Monday, July 21, 2014

Why Libra is seducing you

We Libras can easily titillate others. It’s one of the reasons why we were put on this earth, to charm are way into other peoples life. Though this sign isn't the rough and tough type in astrology, we can be quite seductive when we want. And if we really dig you, we won't stop until we make up our minds! Let me help you understand the game.

Let’s be honest Libra girls and boys, this sign can be a little predatory when it is single. Libra will see something they like, and if the person has a good personality too, they will put them on their romantic radar. It’s not that Libra's are players, its just they like to weigh every possible option before making up their minds. The cute blonde that works at the spa, the redhead with the tattoo, the guy with the fantastic smile; appearance wise, Libra has a good eye for it and there is a mental list of possible mates to check out. Of course, to Libra, looks are far from everything so they would always like to know you before diving to deep. Libra men take their time getting emotional with partners, while Libra women usually won't sleep with a guy right away, so don't rush them!

Libra's aren't all that determine or overly aggressive when it comes to getting a date or partner, but they can be rather endearing in love. For example, once a Libran has found someone they are passionate about, they are pretty hard to deter. Once they have made up their minds that they want YOU, they will ease their way into your life by being a good listener, sweet talking, charm, a serene and calm manner, but they still haven't made up their mind if you are the ONE for them though--Libra's are obsessed with finding the 'one,' so don't get ahead of yourself.

When a Libra likes you, its not that hard to tell. Look at their eyes; it has a twinkle in it, and they give warm smiles too. Libra is all about mental exercise so they can quite easily turn a sign on, especially if the sign was born under Aries, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. Libra sometimes give off the impression of getting heart-to-heart with you or making you think they were always there, so you can feel open and at ease with them. Some Libra's can even be quite flirtatious; it’s a common trait of this sign, though it does tend to be harmless when they are in a relationship.

Librans can be pretty sexy. When one has said something to you and you are left thinking, "Was that a sexual joke?" It probably was. Libra's are diplomatic and pay close mind to what they say, if you get the feeling your Libra friend tickled your body through your mind in a slightly erotic way, they are interested and trying to get you to be too. If you can match them but don't go too overboard, the Libra will be hooked.

When a Libra is seducing you, you will have all kinds of amorous thoughts in your head because of them! It is Libra's plan to seem attractive, be desirable, and interest you in relationship. Libra can feel detached and unemotional, but they are not boring people. They like romance and style in courtship, so they will very much seduce and talk your ear off if they like you enough.

But why are they seducing? A Libra man needs a girlfriend/best friend to date, then marry. The Libra woman wants a companion and gregarious environment. All Libras want a calm involvement and constant companionship. Libra woman has a reputation of being a gold digger, but this woman usually has money already--they just would like to have more. They are usually quite attractive people, and who wouldn't want a trophy wife with a romantic and gentle nature? The Libra is always moving up in the world; the Libra woman is looking for a man that can put her in a even better place then she is already. Libra are great at relationship management so if you feel the Libra's magic--that smile, that charm, that talkative nature, that romantic style, the powers of compromise, they are showing you that's what they can bring into the house, which you may love IF the Libra's style is what you are looking for in a partner.

 Anyway, be careful if a Libra is seducing and wooing you though. It is not that they are playing around with your feelings, they are getting you to like them, which is their first process in the dating game -- after they know you like them, they will begin to weigh you. Once a Libra falls deeply in love, you can be sure they are thinking about marriage.

I hope this helps you understand why Libra people charm you.  


  1. thanks for sharing this. i love this blog. I am in a relationship with a libra girl and this so true lol. they do charm people. my girl is not very flirty so i guess she likes me? :D libra are very sweet. i'm a leo man and i like all the attention from libras. libra are inwardly very easy to offend so you have to careful with them while they are trying to make up there minds. p.s blog soon ;p

    1. Thanks for liking the blog and I'm happy you are happy with your Libra lady. They can be pretty sweet, as long as you don't push them to far of balance. And yes, she sounds like she likes you. Keep being there for her and be romance. All Libra's love that. Anyway, thanks for reading :)

  2. this is too funny. although i am not a libra, i have dated one. my relationship with my libra ended become he was unwilling to commit and moved out of state. he never seemed like he wanted to commit though. why is that? why are libra men so hard to get to marry? ):

    1. OK I'm a Leo women and my Mr. Crush is a Libra... And we VIP great off each other I think about him all the time... Lol we both match each other fly and with out it been a issue right now we both know what we need to do for our future

  3. I am a Libra girl and when I was reading this I was like, you little sneaky girl! I now get why where ever I go boys, and sometimes girls, just really like me...well really really like me :3 Tee hee, I use mind games and flirt and just make them laugh till they fall off their chair. I feel a bit bad now because I love the idea of love but a bit afraid to fall in love because I might start thinking about marriage.

  4. Im a Libra woman , met a Libra Man about 5 months back. we finally hooked up. its funny cause I so relate to this, but am like ohh no!! at the same time...I have the feeling though that we are on the same emotional vibes. we vibe off of eachother its the craziest thing ever. Im super happy but scared at the same time because we both said we weren't looking for a relationship

    1. Wow! Same here, I am a Libra woman and started seeing a Libra man about 7 months ago. Everything so far has been amazing except that I let it leak out how I feel about him. He does not want a commitment and has not said he loves me. His body language, eye contact etc. seems to suggest he does but he did just get out of a bad relationship where his ex cheated on him.

  5. I think this is my favorite article on Libras. Top 5 most likely. Your words flow so well that it is very poetic. I almost fell in love with the words reading it. Well done!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Okay... but if libra guy talks about marriage but silently he is sesucing other girl? How?

  8. Any advice would be welcome.
    I was dating a libra man for 2 months. I fell in love hard and fast. He initiated the next step to 'love' and our future. Moving in together etc. He is still going through his divorce and he is fighting via lawyers to see his 2 girls. He hasn't seen them since the split in august 2015. I said when we met it didn't seem enough time for him to have got over his marriage. However he assured me he was in a great place. Just needed to get access to his girls. As a couple we got on extremely well. No arguments, just one little blip that was resolved respectfully and calmly. I have a 4 year old girl and I could see that as much he loved spending time with her, it hurt him that he still wasn't with his girls.
    He wanted a future together, said he loved me and then he crumbled. He broke down and cried over his girls after we had a lovely day together. He was also upset he had ruined our day. Which I explained he hadn't. I haven't had good relations before and he said within a week of breaking down that he couldn't drag me into his mess. That he couldn't hurt me because he was struggling and needed to focus on his issues and didn't want to give me less than the 100% I deserved. I was such a beautiful person, honest caring and selfless person and he still cares and loves me very much. When I asked to get my things back and we met, I suggested he keep my house key. If in time he felt he moved on then post my key. Though if in time he wanted to catch up then call me. He said...'I can do that' looking me directly in my eye. I always believed him to be honest and sincere. Now I don't know anything. He is forever on his phone on a WhatsApp. So I'd said I thought he was seeing someone (this was when he was giving me my things back) and he said he wasn't and offered to get his phone to show me and I declined. We have no contact now and I don't know if he will return when he gets his head sorted. This is the first man to treat me amazingly. I am 40 and he is 42.
    So do I believe him? Or have I been played. He talked about me taking a transfer at work to move in with him. Looked to a future together. We discussed it in detail.
    I am so confused and the silence is breaking my heart even though I need to get on with my life for now....
    Will he return?

    1. You didn't say what sign you are? I would say Libra men can play games with people but generally if someone asks a Libra something, they are honest too you. I would take his word when he said something isn't right with him atm

  9. I'm a Libra woman who is interested in a Libra man. I've been extremely interested for years (he and I grew up together), but I don't want to be too obvious that I like him... I'm absolutely terrified that I'll scare him off. He WAS in a serious relationship a few years back which ended up leading to marriage, but his (now ex) wife divorced him two years later for her high-school flame. He's been single again for about 3 years now, and while I had originally thought I'd gotten over him after his marriage to this other girl, I found out about a year and a half ago that I most certainly am NOT over him.

    I really want to get his attention in a good way. I mean, we're already friends since we've known each other most of our lives and our families have always been really close, but now I want to become a /BETTER/ friend to him. However, I don't want to take initiative that will make him run. I don't think I could bear thinking that something about me scared him off. Its safer to be just friends and try to subtly get his attention that way... AND YET I'm also scared to death that while I stand here in the background throwing him side-long looks and smiles, he'll go off and find another girl that intrigues him and never even know that I was interested in the first place. :p

    I mean, I /REALLY/ like this guy.

    What on earth can I do?????? :(

    Please help!


  10. Hi there,
    I've met a sun Libra moon Capricorn man and am wondering how can I tell between his being friendly & flirtatious in a platonic way VS his actually being interested in me?? He goes out of his way to initiate conversations with me, we banter playfully back & forth. I gave him my #, and although he's added me on Instagram, he hasn't text or called me so I have his #. I'm a sun Taurus moon Libra, and I myself can be flirtatious & vivacious but I also am very realistic (not about to wait around to be led on). I'm not giving up just yet, but am wondering your take on it?? Thanks for your time :)

  11. I'm a Libra a nutshell for us, the thrill is in the chase. We do things to the utmost and take our time exploring every angle it's so satisfying to know every rock has been overturning every "i" dotted, every "t" crossed....that way if it doesn't work out we know it was through no fault of our own.

  12. If a guy shows just a few of these signs, it's still a good indication that he might like you. However, if I were you, I would ask my friends for advice to make sure I had a different perspective about the situation and visit how to tell if a guy likes you.

  13. I love a libra man ...he also expressed interest. ...I am gemini ...but when I proposed he preferred to stay as friend or sibling.

    1. Sorry to hear it, try not to make a move on a guy - being a friend with a Libra isn't so bad, since they want a friend as a spouse anyway; cheer up

  14. Well first of all some of this is somewhat true.. áccept for the part where this libra man I'm seeing has a bad temper! In the beginning when I first started dating him he was cool and charming but as time went by he became jealous and possessive. I know we may not work out in the long run but I just wish things were different between us :( I really do love him, it's just hard to understand him sometimes and I'm always the bad guy if I don't understand him. When everything is positive between us it's great! But I feel the negative outweighs this relationship too much :,( It might be the age difference too since I'm 26 and he's going to be 37 this year but I don't think that's the case. I'm a Pisces woman by the way. I just hope everything works out for the best for both of us.

    1. Yeah Libra have tempers but it shouldn't be that big of a deal unless his scales are unbalanced; it's not a trait of Librans to get angry so quickly--that's a person problem. Try talking things out with your Libra guy.

  15. I love a libra man and I don't understand him sometimes ! He has some traits and signs which are made me confusing !

    Anyway, you are right about libra !

  16. Okay, so if you happen to have a Libra man tell you to just text him anytime you want to come over, in otherwords, letting you know that his door is open for any reason sex, if you need someone to talk to...etc. would that technically mean they are into you? Also, would a Libra male or female ask you any sort of sexual questions if they weren't interested in you?

    1. Careful. No, Libra men need to be in a place in their life to take care of you. If you see he is a moper or be "down" or blue, but switches to friendly and loving, to make you like him for sex, that is a super red flag. Remember, if you aren't fitting into his life, but he is trying to get sex out of you, just know Libra men will bullshit with you. If he has sex in the first months, he will cut you off soon and be done with it!


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